Below are all recordings to which notes have been added.
- Day:
- 61
- Date:
- 02.03.2024 (Saturday, 2nd March, 2024)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:24
- Location:
- Olin Library, Wesleyan University · Middletown (CT), USA
- Notes:
Anonymous intervention.
- Permalink:
- Day 61, 2024
- Day:
- 57
- Date:
- 27.02.2024 (Tuesday, 27th February, 2024)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:24
- Location:
- Olin Library, Wesleyan University · Middletown (CT), USA
- Notes:
Anonymous intervention.
- Permalink:
- Day 57, 2024
- Day:
- 56
- Date:
- 26.02.2024 (Monday, 26th February, 2024)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:24
- Location:
- Olin Library, Wesleyan University · Middletown (CT), USA
- Notes:
Anonymous intervention.
- Permalink:
- Day 56, 2024
- Day:
- 49
- Date:
- 19.02.2024 (Monday, 19th February, 2024)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:24
- Location:
- Olin Library, Wesleyan University · Middletown (CT), USA
- Notes:
Intervention by Emma Mistele. Hyper-Dash game.
- Permalink:
- Day 49, 2024
- Day:
- 47
- Date:
- 17.02.2024 (Saturday, 17th February, 2024)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:24
- Location:
- Olin Library, Wesleyan University · Middletown (CT), USA
- Notes:
Anonymous intervention.
- Permalink:
- Day 47, 2024
- Day:
- 45
- Date:
- 15.02.2024 (Thursday, 15th February, 2024)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:24
- Location:
- Olin Library, Wesleyan University · Middletown (CT), USA
- Notes:
Group intervention, led by Parsa Ferdowsi.
- Permalink:
- Day 45, 2024
- Day:
- 44
- Date:
- 14.02.2024 (Wednesday, 14th February, 2024)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:24
- Location:
- Olin Library, Wesleyan University · Middletown (CT), USA
- Notes:
Anonymous intervention. Stamps, whistles, water, other sounds.
- Permalink:
- Day 44, 2024
- Day:
- 36
- Date:
- 06.02.2024 (Tuesday, 6th February, 2024)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:24
- Location:
- Olin Library, Wesleyan University · Middletown (CT), USA
- Notes:
Anonymous intervention. Singing happy birthday.
- Permalink:
- Day 36, 2024
- Day:
- 34
- Date:
- 04.02.2024 (Sunday, 4th February, 2024)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:24
- Location:
- Olin Library, Wesleyan University · Middletown (CT), USA
- Notes:
Anonymous intervention. Stamps, clicks.
- Permalink:
- Day 34, 2024
- Day:
- 29
- Date:
- 30.01.2024 (Tuesday, 30th January, 2024)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:24
- Location:
- Olin Library, Wesleyan University · Middletown (CT), USA
- Notes:
Second layer of intervention. Whistles, etc.
- Permalink:
- Day 29, 2024
- Day:
- 28
- Date:
- 29.01.2024 (Monday, 29th January, 2024)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:24
- Location:
- Olin Library, Wesleyan University · Middletown (CT), USA
- Notes:
Intervention by Sam Boston plus others. Voices, shoes, noises, singing, whistles.
- Permalink:
- Day 28, 2024
- Day:
- 247
- Date:
- 04.09.2022 (Sunday, 4th September, 2022)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:22
- Location:
- Lely, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Notes:
Intervention by Joy Mariama Smith (Nokia 105 ‘brook’ ringtone).
- Permalink:
- Day 247, 2022
- Day:
- 224
- Date:
- 12.08.2022 (Friday, 12th August, 2022)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:22
- Location:
- Lely, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Notes:
Interventions by Joy Mariama Smith and Julius Frodermann.
- Permalink:
- Day 224, 2022
- Day:
- 143
- Date:
- 23.05.2021 (Sunday, 23rd May, 2021)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:21
- Location:
- Libken, Brandenburg, Germany
- Notes:
Discussions in the kitchen.
- Permalink:
- Day 143, 2021
- Day:
- 127
- Date:
- 07.05.2021 (Friday, 7th May, 2021)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:21
- Location:
- Libken, Brandenburg, Germany
- Notes:
Some singing and joking.
- Permalink:
- Day 127, 2021
- Day:
- 116
- Date:
- 26.04.2021 (Monday, 26th April, 2021)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:21
- Location:
- Libken, Brandenburg, Germany
- Notes:
Meal-time interventions.
- Permalink:
- Day 116, 2021
- Day:
- 63
- Date:
- 04.03.2021 (Thursday, 4th March, 2021)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:21
- Location:
- Libken, Brandenburg, Germany
- Notes:
Louis intervention.
- Permalink:
- Day 63, 2021
- Day:
- 21
- Date:
- 21.01.2021 (Thursday, 21st January, 2021)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:21
- Location:
- Libken, Brandenburg, Germany
- Notes:
Louis listening to this lecture — part of this series.
- Permalink:
- Day 21, 2021
- Day:
- 222
- Date:
- 09.08.2020 (Sunday, 9th August, 2020)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:20
- Location:
- bb15, Linz, Austria
- Notes:
Day 7 of The Invisible Band, organised and curated by Gabriela Gordillo.
Christopher Haritzer · Bass clarinet (and dishwasher)
- Permalink:
- Day 222, 2020
- Day:
- 221
- Date:
- 08.08.2020 (Saturday, 8th August, 2020)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:20
- Location:
- bb15, Linz, Austria
- Notes:
Day 6 of The Invisible Band, organised and curated by Gabriela Gordillo.
Rosa Fürpass-Netočný · Voice
- Permalink:
- Day 221, 2020
- Day:
- 220
- Date:
- 07.08.2020 (Friday, 7th August, 2020)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:20
- Location:
- bb15, Linz, Austria
- Notes:
Day 5 of The Invisible Band, organised and curated by Gabriela Gordillo.
Aron Hollinger · Electric guitar
- Permalink:
- Day 220, 2020
- Day:
- 219
- Date:
- 06.08.2020 (Thursday, 6th August, 2020)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:20
- Location:
- bb15, Linz, Austria
- Notes:
Day 4 of The Invisible Band, organised and curated by Gabriela Gordillo.
Aimilia Liontou and GG · Bike-guitar four-hands
Aimilia Liontou was born in Athens in 1991. She lives between Athens, Greece, and Linz, Austria.
- Permalink:
- Day 219, 2020
- Day:
- 218
- Date:
- 05.08.2020 (Wednesday, 5th August, 2020)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:20
- Location:
- bb15, Linz, Austria
- Notes:
Day 3 of The Invisible Band, organised and curated by Gabriela Gordillo.
Sam Bunn · Voice, objects, guitar (excerpt from ‘I Will Always Love You’ by Whitney Houston, sound of pop bottle opening, leafed pages from Critique of Everyday Life by Henri Lefebvre, book smashing FPÖ Jugend free sunglasses, E string of nylon-stringed acoustic guitar, ballpoint pen on guitar body)
Sam Bunn is an artist and independent scholar, working between installation, performance, and film to explore a missing strand of popular storytelling, the eutopian narrative. Focused on trying to imagine a more shared socio-political global norm, his practice is based on an experimental approach to making and regularly involves working with others.
- Permalink:
- Day 218, 2020
- Day:
- 217
- Date:
- 04.08.2020 (Tuesday, 4th August, 2020)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:20
- Location:
- bb15, Linz, Austria
- Notes:
Day 2 of The Invisible Band, organised and curated by Gabriela Gordillo.
Sounds contributed by Gerald Harringer (melodica played through “Spider-Man” mask). Gerald Harringer is a freelance writer, director and cultural worker, living and working in Linz.
- Permalink:
- Day 217, 2020
- Day:
- 216
- Date:
- 03.08.2020 (Monday, 3rd August, 2020)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:20
- Location:
- bb15, Linz, Austria
- Notes:
Day 1 of The Invisible Band, organised and curated by Gabriela Gordillo.
Sounds contributed by Adriana Torres Topaga (voice), visual artist and designer based on Linz, Austria, and born in Bogotá, Colombia.
- Permalink:
- Day 216, 2020
- Day:
- 171
- Date:
- 20.06.2018 (Wednesday, 20th June, 2018)
- Minute recorded:
- 20:18
- Location:
- Ladenkino, Berlin, Germany
- Notes:
Ambulance passing by outside, resulting in a visible trace of the siren’s doppler effect in the spectrogram image.
- Permalink:
- Day 171, 2018